Rosvall Sawmill (NZ) - looking to the future

Rosvall Sawmill are one of the latest sites to conduct a saw trial of the Thode VPD profile, with outstanding results!
Two saws were designed, manufactured, and delivered to site for the trial to commence, each saw was run for a total of 3 hours as these were brand new, and a short run is always recommended.
The standard pitch saw was taken off at the last smoko and the Thode VPD saw put on to finish the day, the improvement was noticed instantly by the operator who commented how quiet and smooth cutting the saw was.
The Rosvall team have a great curve catcher display and recording system so there was no mistaking the results for gut feel, these were crystal-clear, real-time results.
While the first saw trial was in full swing, Mark Hansen, Rosvall Sawmill Managing Director joined us in the Headrig cab, asking the operator what he thought, looking at the data displayed in front of him and asking the Thode team questions.
You could see the excitement in his eyes as he timed each cut while looking at how well the saw was performing and very quickly converting this information into dollars in his head.
Knockoff rolled around, it was a great end to the day with the first saw to be trailed an undeniable success!
Day two, on went the second Thode VPD saw and what a surprise…. actually…. there was no surprise, this saw preformed just as exceptionally as the first!
Before the second saw had completed its run the deal was sealed with handshake and an Iseli BNP100
2 axis bandsaw profile grinder was ordered on the spot!
There was also an order for another two Thode VPD saws placed with a plan for all of these to be serviced at Thode’s Rotorua factory while waiting for the new grinder to arrive.
After running the new saws regularly, it became very clear, very quickly that these were the best performing saws that the mill had ever seen, even on the harder to cut logs that the mill encounters from time to time.
More saws were ordered in very quick succession with the total now at 10, with these replacing the standard pitch saws and being run full time as the gains for the sawmill production and quality were far too good to wait for the new machine to arrive.
“We enjoy working with Thode to harness modern technology. We are impressed with their knowledge and skill that they so willingly share with us in a timely manner.
Through working with Thode, we have experienced immediate impressive results. The change to working with Thode’s modern technology and precision saw making has given us a 15% lift in sawing speed with noticeable gains in sawing accuracy and blade performance.
The technology lift in the sawmill has been quite revolutionary for our team, we’re excited to continue the journey of continuous improvement with Thode.” - Rosvall Managing Director, Mark Hansen.
With their new Iseli BNP100 profile grinder scheduled to arrive mid-May 2024, the saw shop team at Rosvall sawmill are getting pretty excited to start using their new toy after having the opportunity to operate the same machine at Thode’s Rotorua factory over a three-day training session earlier this year.
Thode Knife & Saw would like to take this opportunity to thank the Rosvall team for their support and enthusiasm. We are as excited and passionate as you all are to be a part of your journey into the future.